1th October 2018 (Call for Paper Deadline)
November 14th-16th 2018, will be held in Benevento, at the University of Sannio, the “X Scientific Meeting SISTUR (Società Italiana di Scienze del Turismo)“. This year the Meeting will assume a more international character thanks to the collaboration with the “III International Conference on Tourism Dynamics and Trend”.
The Conference will bring together academics, master and doctoral students who are studying at tourism, travel and hospitality or related disciplines. Professionals of the tourism, travel and hospitality companies who are keen to know the latest developments in academic literature and would like to share their expertise with the participants of the Conference are also invited to participate.
You can read the call for paper on the website of SISTUR where it’s possible to download the template format to be used for the submission of the papers. The deadline is 1st October 2018.
Professor Clara Benevolo (DIEC – Dipartimento di Economia – Uni. Genova), member of the National Cluster of Tourism and Territory Management promoted by CUEIM, will be component of the executive board of the “X Scientific Meeting SISTUR”.
For further information, please, visit the website www.sistur2018.it.