Mission & values

Addressing the knowledge in order to reach wellness & good quality of life

Our mission is focused on the realization of a dynamic and synergic connection between the University resources and the requests of knowledge arise from the world of organizations and the territorial systems. In this context, the principal scope is to bridge the gap between the world of academic, of enterprice and territory, in order to implement the wellness and the quality of life.

The high professionality of researchers take inspiration from our values along with a strong sense of pragmatism, openness, creativity and a common feeling of sharing the results.

Dynamism and attention to the different contexts are constantly present in our activities developed in several sectors (e.g. territorial, institutional, economic, politic, social, cultural, etc.). All the activities are conducted in accordance with the national and european rules.

According to the national D.lgs. 231/2001, we adopted an internal Code of Ethics in order to reduce the risks of misconduct within the organization.
The Code of Ethics disposals are applicable, without any exception, within the relationships of each participant at the CUEIM network (associates, administrators, employees, collaborators, contractors ad suppliers) and to everyone who, directly or indirectly work with them.
Among these disposals, there are also specific provisions supporting the activities of organization, management and control as a Corporate Governance. These provisions find a concrete application in the specific Management & Control Model.
Through the implementation of the Code and the support of a Integrated management system we want to achieve an high level of organizational adequacy and conformity of our activities to the ethical principles.

Nov 26, 2024

GREENSMARTMED Project: Transnational cooperation event (Lyon, France 10-11 on December 2024)

The next GREENSMARTMED project event will take place in Lyon on December 10–11, 2024, organized by the French partners POLYMERIS…

Apr 16, 2024

Convention tematica “Cultura, Formazione e Nuove Professioni per la Sostenibilità”

La Terza Convention Tematica del progetto CUEIM Cultura e Formazione per un Futuro Sostenibile, dal titolo “Cultura, Formazione e Nuove Professioni per…

Apr 15, 2024

Talent Management: A Challenge for Business and Public Administration

L’evento Talent Management: Una sfida per le imprese e la pubblica amministrazione, organizzato da COTEC– Fondazione per l’Innovazione, vedrà i responsabili…