Jul 24, 2023
MedArtSal: enhancing sustainability through an International Network for the Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas
The Mediterranean Region enjoys a wide variety of natural and cultural resources that stimulate and support the economic prosperity of its…
Jul 20, 2023
Lessons learnt from the MedArtSal experience with the pilot action salinas in Spain
Baia di Cadice, 2022 The four beneficiaries of the ENI CBC MED MedArtSal project grants in Spain have successfully concluded…
Jul 6, 2023
Sostituzione Plastiche per un’Acquacoltura Sostenibile – Evento conclusivo Progetto SPLAS
Lunedì 10 luglio, 9:30-13:10 – Segui l’evento online Sostituzione Plastiche per un’Acquacoltura Sostenibile un modello per la Molluschicoltura plasticfree dall’allevamento…
Jun 28, 2023
La formazione “for good” per nuovi modelli manageriali e di business
Il Direttore del CUEIM Gaetano Zarlenga è stato intervistato da Lucia Medri, con la quale ha parlato di nuovi modelli di…
Jun 20, 2023
MedArtSal Final Event and 2nd edition of the MedArtSal International Salt Fair: towards a sustainable development of artisanal salinas
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.
May 29, 2023
MedArtSal: Enhancing Sustainability and Tourism through Branding of Artisanal Salt Salinas
Artisanal salt-making and salinas can be considered part of the Mediterranean cultural and natural heritage. However, their sustainable development faces…
May 15, 2023
The SODIMER experience with MedArtSal: a huge contribution to the promotion of the environmental and cultural heritage of Kerkennah Islands in Tunisia, through the pilot action DESK.
CTICI – Fares Hached – Société le Diamant de la Mer – SODIMER Last March, during the ENI CBC MED…
May 3, 2023
MedArtSal: a thousand good reasons for artisanal salinas to adopt a proper ecological management strategy
Ecological land Management for a better environment and quality salt The ENI CBC MED MedArtSal project believes in the need…
Apr 24, 2023
The Micoperi Blue Growth experience with microalgae cultivation. A successful follow-up of an Italian applied research that became a clustering example to obtain high-value products.
In the framework of the ENI CBC MED project MedArtSal, last January CUEIM, MedArtSal Lead Beneficiary, conducted an interesting interview…
Mar 24, 2023
The ENI CBC MED project MedArtSal Final Event and 2nd edition of International Salt Fair will be held in Lebanon next June
MedArtSal project partner Fair Trade Lebanon, in partnership with ADR Lebanon – Associaton for the Development of Rural Capacities, and in collaboration with the Instituto…
Mar 13, 2023
MedArtSal: the thematic clustering workshops on “Food salt and other food products from the salinas for the gastronomy” and on “Cosmetic products, treatments and therapies from the salinas” will be held in Tunisia from 15th to 17th March 2023
MedArtSal: the thematic clustering workshops on “Food salt and other food products from the salinas for the gastronomy” and on…
Feb 24, 2023
MedArtSal project at Sleiman Salinas in Anfeh, Lebanon: A successful path towards economic and ecological sustainability
In an effort to understand more about the work that lies beneath Lebanon’s ancient salt Salinas and the support provided…