Oct 2, 2018

Master “Europrogettazione e Professioni Europee” (Sapienza University) – Closing event

5th of October 2018, at 9.30 a.m. _ Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento delle Politiche Europee- Largo Chigi, 19, Rome

The 5th of October will be held in the Sala Monumentale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri the closing event of the “Master in Europrogettazione e professioni europee” (Sapienza University, Rome). This year, the main topic will be focused on the new funding sources “NUOVE FONTI DI FINANZIAMENTO PER LE IMPRESE EUROPEE. L’Unione dei mercati di capitali e le fonti alternative di finanziamento per dare impulso alle imprese italiane”.

The event is organized in collaboration with the Comitato Nazionale per la lotta contro le frodi nei confronti dell’UE and the Osservatorio Italia in Europa – ThinkE.

The debate will start with the welcome of the Prof. Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, director of the Master and Head of the Economics Department (Sapienza University, Rome).

The speakers as follows: dr. Carmine Di Noia for the Commissione Nazionale per le società e la Borsa (CONSOB), the dr. Ugo Bassi, director of “Financial Markets” in the Direzione Generale per la Stabilità finanziaria, i servizi finanziari e l’unione dei mercati di capitale (Fisma) of the European Commission and dr. Ludovico Monforte, director of the UE Office- Unioncamere Lombardia e Segretario generale ThinkE – Osservatorio Italia in Europa.

It will be, also, an interesting specific focus on the italian performance in terms of received fundings and the detailed report on the european fundings that our Country received in the 2017, comprehensive of the indirect fundings, direct fundings and tenders.

For further information, please, see the agenda here

For the registration at the event, please, click here

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