Nov 26, 2024

GREENSMARTMED Project: Transnational cooperation event (Lyon, France 10-11 on December 2024)

The Green Revolution in Manufacturing: Fostering Innovation and Regional Strategies for Change

The next GREENSMARTMED project event will take place in Lyon on December 10–11, 2024, organized by the French partners POLYMERIS and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. This event will provide a significant opportunity for dialogue among representatives from the manufacturing industry, research institutions, civil society, and policymakers.

The first day will begin with an internal meeting for project partners to review ongoing activities and plan the next steps. In the afternoon, participants will visit the Matéri’act company, linked to the partner POLYMERIS, and attend an engaging roundtable discussion on recycling in the textile sector, featuring various projects active in this field.

The second day will feature two living labs:

The first living lab will explore the role of Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Lombardy regions, with contributions from the associated partners Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises and Confindustria Lombardia, along with other project stakeholders.

  1. The second living lab will focus on opportunities for collaboration and synergies among projects working towards the green and sustainable transition.
  2. The event will conclude with a visit to the Institute of Analytical Sciences at the University of Lyon and the Axel’one company, both centers of excellence in research and industrial innovation.

Participation Details and Information:

  • Find more about in the event agenda. Please, note that the agenda could be further improved over the following days.
  • Register here to participate in presence.
  • streaming link will be shared to follow the 2nd morning session over the next weeks.
  • For any further information, please visit the event page GREENSMARTMED Transnational Cooperation Event.

Follow the project on social media:


The GREENSMARTMED project, co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg Euro-MED program, aims to foster sustainable innovation in the green manufacturing sector, with a particular focus on SMEs in the Mediterranean region. The project has a total budget of €2.9 million, with 80% (€2.3 million) funded by the EU.

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