Jan 16, 2020

The kick of meeting of the project MedArtSal takes place in Rome

Rome, Piazza Sallustio, 21 – Sala Longhi, Unioncamere (17 January 2020)

The European project MedArtSal sustainable management model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas started on 6 November 2019 with a three-year lifespan, is funded by the ENI CBC Med Programme 2014-2020 under the thematic objective “Business and SMEs Development (Promote economic and social development)”.

The project kick off meeting, organized by CUEIM, will take place in Rome at Unioncamere’s venue Sala Longhi, with the organizational support of Assocamerestero, associated partner in the framework of the project.

The meeting foresees the participation of the eight project Partners and the six Associated Partners besides other local stakeholders affected by the project objectives and expected results, like the Regione Lazio.

The project teams will have the opportunity to share the relevance and research objectives of the project that aims to design a model for the sustainable management of artisanal salinas in the Mediterranean region.

The event marks the beginning of a three-year lifespan collaboration aiming to strengthen the links between research, institutions and private sector working together to develop and implement innovative strategies and actions addressed to artisanal salinas and salt producers, small and medium enterprises and local communities from the Mediterranean region. MedArtSal is intended to provide a valid support and a specific consulting on the best development strategy to adapt, taking into account the characteristics and needs of the specific geographic areas.

MedArtSal is led by CUEIM and involves other 7 partners from the Med area: MEDSEA – Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation (Italy), ADR – Association for the Development of Rural Capacities (Lebanon); IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature, Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (Spain), University of Cádiz (Spain), CTICI – Tunisian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Tunisia), Fair Trade Lebanon (Lebanon) e Saida Society (Tunisia).

The kick off meeting will be opened by the welcome speech of Gaetano Zarlenga, CUEIM’s Managing Director, followed by the greetings of Domenico Mauriello, Person in charge of Initiatives and national and international projects at Unioncamere, and Vincent Ernoux, Coordinator of the ENI CBC Med Programme.

The afternoon session will be the occasion for sharing doubts and food for thought among the participants, also in relation to the management of the project’s activities, so as to guarantee their effectiveness and achieve the project’s research, communication and capitalization objectives, in compliance with the timing, financial and administrative rules and the expectations of the funding programme ENI CBC Med.

Access here the complete agenda of the meeting: Kick off meeting agenda

More info:

Project website:

ENI CBC Med Programme website:

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