The final event organized in Brussels by the two Interreg MED Communities, Blue Growth e Green Growth ended very successufully with a deep discussion around the theme “Transition towards Blue and Green Economies in the Mediterranean”, for a more innovative sustainable development in the Mediterranean area.
Several issues were addressed during the first day: the role of territorial cooperation for a sustainable development, the enterprise innovation, the access to finance, the education on sustainability and the elaboration of policies boosting for the development of economies even more “blue” and “green”. The session opened an important reflection on the relevance of regional smart specialization strategies and the promotion of sustainability through clusters.
The second day faced a more specialized debate accordingly to the area of competence of the two Communities, notably blue and green economies. This enables the possibility to better understand the problematics encountered by both the Communities as well as the reached outcomes so as it was possibile to activate wider collaborations aiming at influencing the politic level through policy recommendations.
The event involved key stakeholders from European Institutions, private financial sectors, Academia, NGOs and thematic community projects.
If you want to see the agenda please click here