Aug 5, 2019

The Green Growth Capitalisation Platform (GGCP) is launched!

The “Green Growth Capitalisation Platform (GGCP)” has been designed to highlight the results of the Community and to implement the “Capitalisation” key principle, as foreseen by Interreg Programme strategic framework. This principle shapes all the dimensions of the projects’ lifecycle and covers the “Organisation of data concerning the implementation of programmes, projects, their impacts, the methods used in order to make the accumulated experience usable for other programmes, projects or stakeholder groups”.

The Platform becomes a point of contact for any actor addressing the same issues in the national, European and international panorama, inside the Community but also outside.

In particular, stakeholders (public and private entities, NGOs, research centers, etc.) sharing the Green Growth Community values and objectives in the field of sustainability, green growth and circular economy, can synergistically integrate their networks/ projects and results with the resources of the Green Growth Community Platform, therefore implementing the transferring activities and finding synergies and opportunities to collaborate for a Mediterranean “Green Growth”.

The “Capitalisation Map” represents the core of the Platform where data referring to “Projects” “Partners” “SMEs” “Stakeholders” and “Results” are highlighted, geo localized and grouped into the five main thematic areas of the Green Growth Community (Agrofood, Eco-Innovation, Smart City, Waste Management, Green Growth Finance).

The “Results” category concerns any result which has a replicable effect for other contexts and is, in general, available to any stakeholder dealing with the thematic of the Green Growth Community.

Furthermore, the Platform offers the possibility to explore and learn more about the Green Growth Community along with thematic areas and outputs produced by the Community during the TWGs’ work around the topic of Circular Economy (Green Growth Book, White Paper, Policy Recommendations and Legal recommendation).

It is possible to join the Community, to share experiences and create new replication opportunities, by filling in a template, making the Platform an ideal environment where collaboration, result transfer and synergies amongst the actors can be realized.

The exchange of information between the clusters, networks, research institutes and the members of the Community will reinforce the MED area’s innovation potential with the final aim to integrate the « capital » in mainstream policies, making cooperation results visible.

If you want to navigate the Platform please click here.

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