Mar 15, 2018

“MADE IN MED – Crafting the future Mediterranean”

Rome, 18, 19 April 2018 - Auditorium del Massimo

The event is designed on the concept of FabLab – “Fabrication Laboratory” and it will present the first results of the 90 projects of the Interreg MED Programme being implemented with an innovative approach through a Conference and an exhibition.
It’s an occasion to disseminate and to put in practice the ideas and the values of the co-working, sharing knowledge and innovation, looking at the future Mediterranean cooperation.

The event is organized by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Italy, which has the presidency of the Interreg MED Programme 2018, by the Italian Agency for the territorial Cohesion and by the South Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra region of France, authority which manage the Program.

The scope is to highlight how the Interreg MED Programme is a virtuous process of integration of the thematic communities.
CUEIM will be present at the event as a partner of the SYNGGI Project.

The event is structured in two days of work and sharing:
18th april 2018: first day on “Production Area– Showcasing projects and ideas”
19th april 2018: second day on “Thinking Area – From projects to public policies“

Working language: English, French, Italian.

It is necessary to be registered for each day.

The deadline for the registration is 31 March of 2017.

For further information visit the Interreg MED web site.

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