Jun 6, 2017

Scientific collaboration for project initiatives related to the development of technologies, techniques and methods of efficient management in order to catch/release electricity (and other forms) for households, industrial and commercial users


Development of three different project initiatives related to industrial research and experimental development:

  • Systems for the efficient management of the energy consumption;
  • System of multifunctional measures for the definition of the electrical consumptions;
  • Systems and devices for the technical implementation of demand side management to small users.
  • International benchmark of the technological innovation, with a specific focus on the liberalized markets within the project “Sistemi e dispositivi di tele misura e tele attuazione per l’applicazione di tecniche di demand side management alle piccole utenze”;
  • Study of organizational forms for an integrated management related to energy consumption and production, within the project “Sistemi e dispositivi di tele misura e tele attuazione per l’applicazione di tecniche di demand side management alle piccole utenze”;
  • Analysis of the legislative compatibility of the prototype project as compared to the target market within the project “Sistemi per la gestione efficiente dei consumi energetici.
Intended for

Cassino University (UniCAS)