Sep 5, 2015

GO.A.L. (GO Abroad Latina)

The project Go. A. L.: Go Abroad Latina starts following the public call “L’internazionalizzazione come strategia di contrasto ai fenomeni di crisi” published by Latina city (Italy) with the aim to promote and realize those initiatives enhancing the opening up of local SMEs to european market. In particular, those SMEs which have chance of success on foreign markets.

The iniziative is promoted by CUEIM – Consorzio Universitario di Economia Industriale e Manageriale (lead partner) and the Centro Europeo di Studi Manageriali, however with the involvement of different actors, national or not, which contributed at the six proposal actions. Among them, Università Telematica delle Camere di Commercio Italiane, Universitas Mercatorum; Unindustria Latina; Assocamerestero and many abroad Italian Chambers of Commerce, including those of Bucarest, Frankfurt, Lyon, London, Nice, Warsaw.

2014 - 2015

Specific goals of the project proposal – in line with the Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (FSE), regional competitiveness and employment (Lazio Region 2007-2013)- are focused on the analysis of the local manufacturing industries characterized by an internationalization and export approach. The scope is to identify some excellent enterprises that, along with their best practices, can represent an example for all the local economy.

A support in the export policy will be ensure through the enhancement of the “Enterprise network” along with a collaborative dialogue among enterprises, partners, institutions.


The proposed activities as follows:

  • Partnership activation with local actors and stakeholders;
  • First level University Master;
  • Course for “Agenti di Internazionalizzazione”;
  • Studying abroad;
  • Training of the employed by SMEs in Latina;
  • Training on the territorial enterprise system.
Intended for

Graduates, grad students, employees.

Research Output

The results expected can be identified in the production of high level competences that could ensure some human resources to the enterprises in order to understand the dynamics across the international panorama, to select the appropriate market for new business activities, to identify the element for the development of successful strategies, to elaborate a marketing plan for new products and markets, to realize an international business plan, to model the supply chain and organize the internal resources.

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Go.A.L. Go Abroad Latina