Dec 8, 2018

COGITO (A COGnItive dynamic sysTem to allOw buildings to learn and adapt)

COGITO “A COGnItive dynamic sysTem to allOw buildings to learn and adapt” project is funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).(ARS01_00836)

It aims at integrating the IoT (Internet of Things) with cognitive dynamic systems (SDC) for an improved management of the public and residential buildings.

The purpose is to lead an urban regeneration by redefining the living environments through innovative technological solutions which are able to improve the people’s quality of life.

1. Università della Calabria – UNICAL (Lead Partner)
2. Consorzio SI-LAB
2.1 Attuatore: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – ICAR-CNR
2.2 Attuatore: OMNIA ENERGIA SpA 3. Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile – ENEA
4. Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria – UNIRC
5. Università degli Studi della Basilicata – UNIBAS
6. Consorzio Universitario di Economia Industriale e Manageriale – CUEIM
7. Azienda Territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica della Calabria – ATERP Calabria
8. SCAI Lab srl
9. Telecom Italia SpA
10. SITE SpA
11. Digimat srl
12. DS Tech srl
13. SMARTS srl


The COGITO project is composed by 7 development objectives (ORs), 5 of which are related to Industrial Research and 2 are related to Experimental Development:

OR1- Development of framework based on cognitive IoT for the efficient management of buildings

OR2 – Intelligent management of the building-plant system for energy efficiency and indoor quality

OR3 – Efficient management of building indoor and outdoor environments

OR4 – Audio/video edge analytics for management of security and control access

OR5 – Building physical management and damage restoration

OR6 – Experimentation in real sites: Realization of the Demonstrator – City of Rende (CS)

OR7 – Experimentation in real sites: Realization of the Demonstrator – City of Matera

Intended for


Public and private buildings’ residents


Interested stakeholders