Dec 12, 2015

SNECS (Social Network of Historical Centers Entity)

The research project SNECS, will gather and communicate the contents (artistic, archaeological, literary, historical and philosophical) of the scientific knowledge across the territory of Regione Campania.

The project stress the accent on historic centers, activating and experiencing new strategies for their representation, organization, dissemination and promotion based on paradigms of technological intelligence, the new challenges of Smart cities and smart environment, that the European Union asks to raise.

SNECS wants to observe and measure the ability to be smart through interventions addressed to economy, population, governance, mobility, environment, preservation of cultural heritage, and tourism.

SNECS wants to support such a plan by designing a set of ICT services integration capable of gathering information from all the action on the environment, energy saving and health. In this way it is also possible to measure the quality of life in the community.