
Since 1982, CUEIM has grown and established itself with its position as a producer and distributor of a managerial culture in the private and public sector, both for profit and non-profit organizations.

Within CUEIM, the Knowledge is a Specific and Distinctive resource, Unique and Reciprocal. Our structure make it possibile the combination of the local knowledge of each University –in their geographical context – with the wide horizons of its extensive network. Great operational effectiveness is achieved through a three division structure: Research, Training and Publishing.

The main place where the scientific research and the dissemination of the knowledge activities operate is the journal “Sinergie – italian journal of management”, an editorial project developed by the CUEIM since 1983 with the intention to spread the managerial Italian culture.

The Journal “Sinergie” is published by the CUEIM Foudation that is at the service of the creation and dissemination of managerial culture. CUEIM Foundation is a non-profit organization aimed at promoting scientific research in the management field. Since 2017, CUEIM Foundation organizes in collaboration with SIMA (Italian Society of Management) the annual conference.

In the 2012, on the iniziative of the Prof. Gaetano Golinelli, a book series of studies and research took shape on the development of the cultural heritage: Patrimonio culturale e creazione di valore. Verso nuovi precorsi”.

This book series collect the results of the studies effectuated by the CUEIM for the Ministry of the Environment, for the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and the Ministry for the Agricolture, Food and Forsetry policies on different issues: biodiversity safeguard, protected areas, growing of the economic systems in the depressed areas, sustainable development, cultural and rural landscape and their enhancement within the UNESCO system.

In the 2015 is lunched the 4th edition of the Prof. Gaetano Golinelli work on the Approccio Sistemico Vitale (ASV), where are outlined the needs and the modalities of transition from the Enterprise as a Vital System to the Enterprise as a Sustainable System.


Jan 20, 2025

GREENSMARTMED at the first Italian Forum of the Interreg Euro-MED partners

On last 21st of November 2024, in Florence, in the framework of the GREENSMARTMED project, the partner CUEIM, responsible for…

Nov 26, 2024

GREENSMARTMED Project: Transnational cooperation event (Lyon, France 10-11 on December 2024)

The next GREENSMARTMED project event will take place in Lyon on December 10–11, 2024, organized by the French partners POLYMERIS…

Apr 16, 2024

Convention tematica “Cultura, Formazione e Nuove Professioni per la Sostenibilità”

La Terza Convention Tematica del progetto CUEIM Cultura e Formazione per un Futuro Sostenibile, dal titolo “Cultura, Formazione e Nuove Professioni per…